I am so ecstatic that our new sofas come tomorrow. No pictures will do any justice to what they truly look like. Mainly because our house is so small, and these are definitely an upgrade. I am seriously so proud of ourselves for doing this. It is something we knew we wanted to do while we were in England, but I never really thought it would actually happen. But it is!
Life has been so busy. I was talking to one of my cousins on the phone today, and I asked about my Aunt. I said, "Is your Mom back teaching or did she take more time off?" She said, "Oh, she's back teaching. She's been back." I said, "I thought she took some time off for her neck." She said, "Yea, she did, but that was two years ago." Where has time gone? I always feel like time is flying. The older I get the faster it goes. The family says it's the same for them with us. They will ask us about trips or something we did, and I always reply with, "That was like forever ago." It is like an ongoing cycle.
It's hard to believe we are were we are in our lives, doing the things we are doing. It's hard to believe we are 22 and 23 years old. It's hard to believe our baby boy is 4 years old. What next? I am not sure I want the answer to that question. It is quite amazing. The world in itself is amazing. The way it turns, the way things happen, the time it happens within, all of it. Sometimes it is frustrating and upsetting. Like, when I realized earlier that the last time I saw my baby, baby cousin was when she was 3 months old. Now, she's 2. The one and only time I have met her actually. Breaks my heart because those are my kiddos.
This little girl walks around singing country songs. Her brother, the one that is only a year older than her, was not even talking at this age. Not solid anyway. He was shy. Not this one. She is definitely the Miss Priss. Definitely asks just like me as a child. Well just like her Mom, my Mom, and her older sister. I guess we all get it honest.
Grant, Mr. Man's Godchild on my side, is so grown up now. He use to not talk at all. He would just grunt. I did the same thing when I was little. Grunt and point. The famous "Goodrich" trait. He is such an amazing and strong boy. He has outgrown his older siblings. He loves to play fight and wrestle, and he does not realize how tough he is being. He's a crazy boy for sure. He already does flips off the diving board all by himself. He talks like a maniac, so fast. I guess that's another "Goodrich" trait.
Then there is Eden. Now, this is Miss Priss at her best. This girl is smarter than a 5th grader, no lie. She is going to the 2nd grade. She uses words that I do not even know the meaning of. One day I was on the phone with her, and she was telling me a story. She decided to use a big word. Yea, I had to totally ask my Mom what it meant once we got off the phone. Is that not pathetic or what?
Garrett. The oldest. Mr. Macho Man with some emotions. He is definitely the nerdy scientist of the family. So so smart. He told me all about DNA over the phone. He told me about his inventions. One of them was a machine that could tell when his sister was lying. Funny, huh? He is reading at the 7th grade level. He is going to the 3rd. Him and his sister are 13 months apart. He is currently reading the Goosebumps series. I totally read Goosebumps as a child, but I was also in the 6th or 7th grade at the time. He is our family nerd, and very much a smarty pants just like the rest of them.
Now to add to all this children love, we have my cousin that just recently had a baby. His name is Blake. She is my age. He is adorable. Looks just like her and her brother, for sure. He is already 5 months. Crazy!! I have not even met this child, other than by some very graphic labor photos and the Facebook updates.
And now my sister. Gosh, I really am getting old, aren't I? By the way, my sister is an old married woman. I am so happy for her. I have so many surprises in the works for her. The family is throwing her a party this weekend to celebrate. Both of our anniversaries are in July, too. How cool is that? She is also pregnant, 15 weeks today. Time is flying by so super quick. Soon we will know if I will be having a little niece or nephew. Crossing my fingers for a perfect princess!
Oh, and I got my Macy's in yesterday. I tried everything on, and it fits fantasticly! I can not wait to wear it out and about. Maybe a church day? Who knows...
My Mom is ever so fabulous. This woman knows me and Mr. Man way too well. She sent us some "toys." Mr. Man got two t-shirts (which are from events that take place in our hometown), a remote control helicopter, a remote control UFO hovering thing, and batteries. Yes!! She even sent batteries. Awesome, huh? For me, she got me two t-shirts (the same, different colors), a super cute apron (which this is my very first apron), a extremely cute water bottle, and a candle holder that looks like blocks that holds 4 tea-lights (it says love). The water bottle is the best. It is zebra print, aluminum, with my initial on it, and some accents in purple. It is one of the thermos' that keep cold things cold and hot things hot. I took it to the gym to give it a try today. I put regular water fountain water in it. It immediately felt like there was ice in the bottle. I love super cold water while I am working out. I will have to invest in more of these I think. I seriously have an amazing Mom. I called and told her I got 3 packages in from her. You know what she says, "Oh wait, there should be 4." My reaction: "WHAT?!! SWEET! Thanks so much!" Surprises always rock my world. Surprises from my Mom are one of the best, but she definitely isn't the only one that sends great stuff. There are a ton of people out there that are constantly thinking about us. I love it!
PS- Mr. Man was up with our baby boy playing with the helicopter and UFO thingy until 3am one night. Buttons barking, Mr. Man flying. It's hilarious. I'll have to show you guys one day!
For now, it's out to get some sleep for my (yet another) busy day!

I am now following you thanks to New Friend Fridays!It would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog!
ReplyDeleteAlso we have the coolest blog-hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in:) Oh and if you need any help tweaking your blog or easy HTML tips, you know where to come!Happy Friday!
Stopping by to thank you for posting Friday-Follow.Love your Schnauzer :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great Friday!
I hate how much time flies. It breaks my heart to know all the stuff I'm missing out on. You're family sounds FABULOUS!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower from Friday Follow! I hope you enjoy your new sofas! Nothing like a new piece of furniture to make a house feel like a home!
ReplyDeletePS. Your pup is precious!
Lucy's Human
Love learning about you! I love that you married your high school sweetheart, how romantic! I am a new Friday Follower. Would love to have you visit me at my blog!
Critique of the Unique