We're expecting!!
Finally! After a year and a half of trying and Mr. Man being gone for 8 of those months, we did it!! We are so freaking excited. Poor Mr. Man found out just 3 days before he left, so he is so anxious to get home. He's being so cute about it. This is exactly why I love him so much. He's absolutely amazing.
We are 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Our estimated due date is March 23, 2011. It has been the best kept secret since sliced bread, seriously. We did not find out until I was already 8 weeks pregnant. Can you believe it?! I did not get sick. I only got nauseated when I looked at dirty dishes, and I was extremely tired. I still had been working out and dieting like crazy, so it was all a surprise. Which is exactly what we wanted.
For those of you who have been following me for a while know that we have been trying for a while. We started last April, but it obviously was not meant to be. Now a year and a half down the road, we are ecstatic and have realized that it is perfect timing for us. Mr. Man is not due to deploy again until next September-ish, so YAY! on that. I will be reaching a point in my school were I will be free for the baby around January-ish, which I am due in March. The couches were bought at perfect timing because they came in 3 days after I found out I was pregnant. Plus, my sister is pregnant, so there is enough gap in between the babies.
We are so excited. Our families are so excited. I am extra pumped to be going through this with my sister. I really see her with a little girl. I want so badly for her to have a little girl, so I can spoil her to pieces. Dresses, ballerina slippers, tutus, etc... I see it on my sister's daughter. Ahhhh!! I can't wait to find out what she is having. She finds out September 15!
So the dreaded question. What do we want to have, boy or girl?
I see a little boy all the time. I have always said I would like to have a boy first. To be the protector. Mainly because I see boy clothes and get all excited. I see little girl clothes and things, and I immediately think of my sister. I'm not sure why, but that is just how I see us. It's really weird. I would love for us both to have the same sex, so they can be best friends, but then I would love to experience each of us having a different sex. I am kind of wishy-washy on that part. I want her to have what I do not have and for me to have what she does not have that way it is like two totally different experiences and we can do for each other the things we can not immediately do for the ones we have now. If you know what I mean...
Mr. Man wants a boy. He's the last boy of his family, so the pressure is on. His Dad really wants his "own grandson." The pressure is on for that, but really I think a little girl is just what Mr. Man needs. A little girl to stuck hip to hip with him. I know she would be a Daddy's Little Girl because aren't they all?! But I know what his plans are for a little boy, and we agree on so much for a little boy, that I want him to have his little boy. Plus, if we have a boy first, he told me the rest can be a surprise! And I am all about surprises!
Which brings me to, Will we find out the sex?
I have a feeling Mr. Man will win this battle. Not because he is begging for it, but because it will be easier on everyone with us being so far away. They will want to do for us and send things, but they want it to be personal and not just neutral. I respect that. However, I really want a surprise, so who knows? Only God.
How did I find out? How did I tell Mr. Man?
Like I said before, I did not really have any symptoms. I was still working out like crazy and on a low to no carb diet. We did not find out until I was 8 weeks already. Mr. Man was getting ready to go to California, and there had been some comments that he made to me that made me think I could be. I did not really take them to heart because I really did not think I was. Well, we were going to be apart for 2 days because we were both so busy, then on the 3rd day he was leaving for California early in the morning. He had been on nights, so I went ahead and took a test while he was sleeping during the day. I did a digital one. After I took it, I stared at it with my heart racing. It was like I knew, but was in denial. I just stared and stared and the little downloading sign just kept turning and turning. I finally told myself that there was no way and just set it down. I figured I would leave it for Mr. Man to read it when he woke up, but when I reached for my glasses, there is was, big as day, PREGNANT! I was like there is no way! I put my glasses on and grabbed it, and had the biggest smile on my face. I went into the bedroom, flipped the light on, and told Mr. Man that I "think" I had something to tell him. When he picked up his head, I tossed the test to him. He was like, "What is it? What is it?" All freaking out and trying to punch it. It was hilarious. He even asked me if it was a bug! (Hilarious!) I was shaking and laughing so hard. I told him to just look at it. So he finally did, and he had the biggest grin on his face. It was perfect! And very memorable!
I went to the store and bought like 5 more tests, and they were all positive. Mr. Man left 3 days later, and 2 days after that I saw a doctor.
Since Mr. Man was going away, we decided to mail surprises to the soon to be grandparents. This is why I have not announced it or posted much on blogger. Because everything I do, think, or see revolves around something to do with pregnancy. I did not want to give any hints.
Well, now it is out. We made the final announcement today, which was on Facebook. The way I announced it was by putting "First came love, then came marriage, now 4 years later comes the baby and the baby carriage." It was so adorable. I thought anyways.
So there it is. There is why I have been hiding out! Now, I can escape and be free!!

yayyyy!!! congrats!!! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for both of you!!
It was hard to keep secret :)
ReplyDeleteThat is SO exciting!! Congratulations!! People always say this when you've had to try to get pregnant ((took us 7 months)) but it really is worth it.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and big big hugs!!! <3
YAY! Congrats to you and Mr. Man. that is SO happy :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats. Oh and this is the first post of yours I have read. Im new =). How exciting!
ReplyDeleteYAY Congrats!!!! =)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! That is so special.
ReplyDeleteAwe CONGRATS!!! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Mrs. Ma'am :-) Oh, but btw, you did NOT keep the secret very well...there were hints all over your blog for the past week or so! ;-) "secret", "something to share", "grandkids born and unborn", etc. :-) Your cat was desperately trying to get out of the bag! So glad to hear you're feeling well though...
ReplyDeleteOh congrats! We are pregnant with our first after trying for 8 months so we understand the relief and blessing!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! We nearly have the same due date (we are due March 26th)! How nice you haven't been feeling sick! I'm finally getting over the nausea.
ReplyDeletef interesant blog,felicitarii
ReplyDeleteYay! Congrats! Such wonderful and exciting news!
ReplyDeleteI giggled about the California thing, I didn't find out I was pregnant until 9 weeks in and Mr Soldier had been in California for about 3 days!
I cant wait to follow you through this pregnancy, its such an exciting time so enjoy every moment of it : )
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I am so excited for you...my sister is pregnant with a little girl due in Nov. I totally know what you mean about tutus and ballet slippers! :) So happy for you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!!! :) Yay for babies!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! :) you will love having a baby, it's a lot of hard work, but so much fun! :)