Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fun Game:

First off, I want to welcome my new readers. I have gotten so many emails and comments on new followers. Not all of you have a reply back email address listed, so I can not personally say 'hi! When you get a chance fill in your email address on your account, so when you leave comments, I can email you back!

I have not really updated you all on the last doctor's appointment. It was on Tuesday, October 19, 2010. All the doctor did was check the baby's heart rate, my weight, and ask lots of questions. Like always! Baby C is doing great, and everything is going good. I got an estimated week that we will have the gender ultrasound done, so I thought it would be fun to play a little game. We have 5 to 6 weeks until the gender ultrasound is done, so I wanted to start this now. 

I am sure most of you have heard of the game. It is the "Baby Pool." I will provide a link for the website and our game. For those of you that enter before our gender ultrasound and get the gender correct will have the opportunity to enter a special giveaway for only you. No outsiders will be allowed to enter. This is to make sure that no one tries to add in after the ultrasound. Unfortunately, it is not guaranteed that everyone will win, but since there is a 50/50 chance that everyone will get it right, I can not afford to give all the winners a gift (although I would love to!). So for the first game, be sure to go in and guess the gender. I will try and post this once a week for everyone to have the opportunity to make a guess. After you go and guess, (which you will also be able to guess the arrival date, weight, heighth, etc) be sure to leave a comment stating that you entered before my gender ultrasound. I will also try my best to keep track of it before the gender ultrasound to make sure there are no cheaters! 

Later on, after the ultrasound, you will be able to edit the other parts of the pool. You will be able to edit your pick throughout the pregnancy. When the pregnancy gets close to the end, I will host another giveaway for the winner that guesses the closest with the lenghth, weight, arrival date, sex, etc. 

I am sure a lot of you are going to ask me questions like 'how am I carrying', 'what do I think it is', 'what is the baby's heart rate', etc. etc. So I will try and fill you in the best I can at this point. Be on the look out for belly pictures, so you can decide if I am carrying high or low. 

The heart rate was at a 157 at the last appointment. It seems everyone keeps calling him/her a 'him'. My gut tells me it is a girl; however, in the beginning of the pregnancy, I had 2 or 3 dreams about finding out and it was a boy. I have no cravings (yet). I have gained 7 lbs up to now. I am 17 weeks pregnant. Be sure to check updated belly pictures for how you think I am carrying. If you have anymore questions that you would like answered before you put in your vote, post them and I will try and update information as time goes on. 

In case that handy dandy little graphic thing does not work, the URL is http://www.expectnet.com/games/BabyClementine.

I know there have been a lot of questions regarding the pregnancy, registries, and other baby related topics, so I will get back to you all with that information as soon as I can. 

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