Sunday, March 4, 2012

Homemade Cloth Diaper Detergent

Recently, I have become really intrigued by making your own natural cleaners, detergents, and spray smells. I started gathering recipes to determine which was the best for myself, and which would be the most beneficial. It had to be easy, peasy; cost efficient, smell fresh, and contain ingredients that are safe for our diapers.

I went through numerous websites, numerous blogs, and an insane amount on Pinterest. This is the one that I found to be the best so far. There are many reasons why the others were not safe for the diapers or not cost effective. I could cover that in another post if anyone is interested, but for now I am recording this recipe so I can use it for future use!

1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
1/2 cup Oxyclean

Combine all ingredients.

Use 2 tablespoons for a small load, 1/4 cup for a large load. 

1 comment:

  1. Is the washing soda not too harsh for the diapers? How did you'd decide these were all safe for diapers? I'd love to hear about your research & decision making process!


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