Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ducks and Geese

The other day we finally had a pretty day after several days of rain. (It's back raining today, too!) I decided to bring Baby A to a local park area for a little picnic and to feed the ducks. There is always some ducks and geese in the area, and they are not afraid to walk up to you. While we were sitting there eating, a goose walked up to us. Baby A gets super excited at birds and any animal that is her height and they can get close to her. I held Baby A up like she was standing in front of the goose, and she got so excited. She was kicking her legs, throwing her arms, and slinging her body towards the goose. It was so adorable..... until the goose started hissing at her!

I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but Baby A didn't care. She just wanted the bird! It was so sweet and so funny, but I thought that Baby A may get attacked if I didn't "shoe" the bird away.

In the picture above, do you notice Baby A propping her foot up on the handle? She does that every single time I put her in that stroller. I try to tuck it underneath the snuggle bundle blanket thing with the other foot, but she pulls it out and props it right back up there! I think it's so cute!!


Don't forget to enter the Cloth Wipes giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. Geese can be horribly mean. I had one attack me once and it left bruises all over me.


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