Monday, February 13, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

I have finally completed this week's menu plan. It's so hard trying to cook only one meal that is healthy enough for the Mommy to loose weight, solid enough to feel the hungry hippo (aka Daddy) up, and fun enough to feed Baby A. I am learning as we go, and I think this week is going to be a great one!

On the menu: 
Chicken and Veggies (Crockpot)
Applesauce Chicken (Crockpot)
Herb Garden Chicken (Crockpot)
Beef & Broccoli
Stuffed Bell Peppers
Tuna Stuffed Tomatoes
Shrimp & Asparagus with Sesame Seeds

As you can see, I have been planning way more crockpot recipes. We all know that it is nice to have the meal cooking while we are cleaning, working, or watching the kids. Last week Mr. Man got home after 8pm two nights. Those types of nights drain me. Between school, keeping up with the baby, preparing for a birthday and family coming to visit, and mentally preparing/planning for a move can be exhausting. Mr. Man's new job keeps him all the time. This weekend our phone rang nonstop for him. On Saturday, every time I would go rock Baby A for a nap, the phone would ring and she would totally want the phone. It was frustrating, but we survived.

That week was enough for me to realize that I need to plan more crockpot meals and plan to cook them every other day of the week. We also try to have chicken every other day of the week for my diet, which is why all of the crockpot recipes this week are chicken.

I stuck with some originals for our family, like the Beef & Broccoli and the Stuffed Bell Peppers. But I also added in something very new for us, but seems delicious! The Tuna Stuffed Tomatoes!! Have you tried these? If so, please let me know what you have thought of them. When we went to Baby A's 9 month dietician appointment, they told me that she could have tuna - just not every day of the week. Basically, how it was when I was pregnant. Once or twice a week is good for them, so I was eager to finally be able to include fish recipes in our menu. Shrimp is still on the "no-go" list, but I think we are going to go ahead and introduce it to her because we are from Louisiana... and we are introduced to shell fish very early!

I have been cooking so much lately, and being in the gym more consistently every day has upped my energy level by 1,000! No kidding. I am so excited to drop these last few pounds and tone up my body again. As well, as get in shape and continue to eat healthy with this little munchkin!

Summer Swap? Here.


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