Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Facebook Can be a Positive Experience

Another wonderful Facebook post. I know of at least two posts where I have "vented" about Facebook and how annoying people can be on it. However, this is post is not about that.

It is about an awesome page that I have encountered that has brought together many wonderful people. I know these pages have been popping up everywhere since someone started our page, so maybe some of you can relate to it.

A little background information. My husband and I share a Facebook account. It has both of our names on it, and we each friend our own friends and mutual friends. It was the easiest way for us to do it without me losing my head from past incidences. We also grew up in the same small town in Louisiana. Many people that were born and raised in this town know us and our families.

Now, you probably realize where I am going with this. If you don't, I will spell it out for you. Someone opened a page titled "Remember in Hackberry when..." Hackberry is the name of the town that we grew up in. People had begun being added and someone added our Facebook account. I had noticed from the gazillion notifications I kept getting from all the replies and new posts to the page. Out of curiosity, I went to the page and began reading people's stories. At the time, we were the youngest generation on the page and I was laughing hysterically at everyone's stories. People were posting the things they did at Hackberry High. Since my Mawmaw had been a principal, teacher, coach, etc at the school (and still substitute teaches), she was brought up a lot. It was funny to see that people thought she was mean and the things that they got in trouble by her for doing. My Mawmaw definitely is not "mean", but she does discipline the way teachers should discipline. Then, the more I got to reading, the more I saw Mr. Man's grandparents being brought up. Both of our grandparents owned stationed, stores, camps, etc in the small town. It was insane to see how much people remembered all of that. And for the history and stories to be carried down to me and him for us to share with our kids.

After a while of reading, I couldn't resist. I had to post replies to some of the stories because they were hilarious. Plus, I had some questions about things that I was just learning about. I guess many people began seeing my posts and kept asking who I was, whose child I was. Finally, I had explained who I was and many people knew our parents.

By this time, it is midnight and I still couldn't stay off the page. I was so afraid I was going to miss an awesome story about someone or something. At this moment, someone posted on the page about not getting anything done. I replied saying it was midnight in the UK and I was still going at it. Then someone else replied, "Wow, you sure did get out of Hackberry." And that's it....

Everyone (when they are in their younger years) dream of leaving the small town. They want something new and they want to be 'someone' (well sort of). Most, after a few years of leaving, dream of going back. Mr. Man and I, on the other hand, did not necessarily want to leave but we knew it was for the best for our futures. And after being gone so long, we really have no desire to go back. Since the hurricanes most have left and the town has changed so much. It doesn't mean we don't miss it. And our families are still there. However, it is not something we care to go back to.

As I was reading through these posts, someone posted something about "Uncle Horace". I had a Grandaddy that had just passed away a year or so ago named Horace. As far as I knew, he was the only Horace that I knew in that town. Then someone else said, "And Aunt Gusta." Well Aunt Gusta passed away when I was only a few years old, so I really did not know her but I have pictures of her and I also knew her name. Then goes on about picking figs in their back yard. That's when I realized it had to be the same people we were talking about. Someone else (which happened to be my cousin) posted, "Yea, I remember that. But I knew them as Granddaddy and Grandmother." Well that was when I realized it was definitely the same people because that is what me and my siblings called them. Now, the person who started this post I had contact with in high school as her daughter was one of my cheer coaches for a camp. Little did I know, they were my cousins. Then the Mom of the cousin use to bring Mr. Man's Mom to school back in the day. Starting to get a little odd, now. Then she proceeds to explain how we are all related. It gets better! She also use to live in England. In a town right on the side of us when she was in High School for about a year. She started talking to me about places, restaurants, etc... all of which Mr. Man and I have been! CRAZY!

Needless to say, that group has brought back some awesome memories and filled me in on some funny stories of my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. I also found some relatives that I did not realize were relatives.

I thought it was super cool.

.... And then the addiction of Facebook arose from the dead...


Don't forget to enter the Boon Squirt giveaway! It ends 9/02.

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